O'Reilly Radarの記事、 Getting Apps Done (c.f. Getting Things Done)で紹介されていた37signalsのBasecampというWEBアプリがかなりいい感じ。
Project management and task management software: Basecamp
古い言い方で言うと、プロジェクト管理ができるグループWEBウェアなのですが、一人だけで使っても十分に有用。「いつまでに何を達成するか」を設定して、「やることリスト」を作成、進捗状況を入力すると、自動的にカレンダー形式などでタスクを管理できます。何よりも素晴らしいのは直感的なユーザーインターフェースで、説明を読まなくても、すぐに使えこなせる点。Web 2.0のUIとして、以下の記事ではBasecapmの次のアプリケーション、Backpackの紹介がされていますね。
Backpack Preview #3: Web 1.0 calling Web 2.0 - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)
このあたりのアプリケーションは、LifeHackという「日常生活をいかにシンプルかつ効率よく、生産的に過ごすか」というアイデアに触発されているようです。ちょっと面白そうなので、色々と調べてみよう。以下の記事はLife Hackのイメージがつかめます。最も日常生活を変えたソフトウェアは、Macのquicksilverだそうです。
MM: I think there’s a continuum of characters that ranges from hardcore Linux hackers who live in ed to people chained to a desk with their busted-ass copy of Outlook. The biggest difference isn’t really in technical skills so much as in having the mental framework, vocabulary, and encouragement to think of problems as something that can be improved with a little focused effort and experimentation. It’s that noble Engineering mind at work, in some ways. “How can I make this lighter, faster, stronger, and cheaper?”
D O’B: Hacks are often a way of cutting through an apparently complex system with a really simple, nonobvious fix.
And for most people, geeks or not, modern life is just this incredibly complex problem amenable to no good obvious solution. But we can peck around the edges of it; we can make little shortcuts. And once you point out that everyone does that, once you coin the term, it’s really easy to pile a whole of lot of shared behaviours into one neat pile.
So the idea of life hacks is just really appealing to geeks, because it’s an expression of this huge hope that you can actually hack life in this way, that you might make it a bit more bearable without having to swallow or understand the whole thing.
The other side of it is - and this is something I talked about quite a lot - is that the hacks that work for geeks end up being useful for a lot of other people who aren’t in that subculture at all.
LH: What’s your favorite, most-used life hack or productivity secret?
D O’B: Almost the very first tip I got. from “roadknight”, in this quicktopic discussion.
Roadknight made the observation that geeks are able to memorise almost any trivial fact, apart from the trivia of their own lives.
So, the trick is, tell a nearby geek the trivia of your life, and they’ll remember it better than you do. And vice-versa.
I like this tip, because it works, it’s quite revealing about geek psychology, and it involves other people. The best organising systems always involve other people.
David Allen
Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life
Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self
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First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy
by G-Tools