Genさんに誘われて参加した、とあるNon-Publicなコンファレンスでのこと。Network Teamの一員としてプレゼンをし、Computer MusicやInteraction DesignのTeamのプレゼンを聞きながら議論をしていると、突然あるタイミングで、お互いが同じプロトコルを共有していることに気が付いた。
「制約がクリアされることで、本当に自分が創り上げたいと思う、その人ならでは体験(Personal Experience)を構築できるようになるのかもしれない」
この会話の文脈で利用されている”フレームワーク”は、自分にとっては概念としてのデザインパターンだったり、MVCフレームワークだったり、具体的なイメージではMojaviやStrutsなのだけれど、MusicがバックグラウンドのAtauさんや、BLOCK JAMの作者であるHenryさんの具体的なイメージは、少し異なるものであることは間違いない。
そんな会話をまる一日続けていくと、Atauさんがプレゼンの中で引用していたBrian Enoの言葉
The problem with computers is that there is not enough Africa in them
Googleで"not enough Africa in them" brian eno と検索すると、どうやらGossip is PhilosophyというWiredのインタビュー記事が引用元らしい。再び検索すると原文がしっかりありました。
Gossip is Philosophy(WIRED May. 1995)
実は、正確なEnoの引用表現を忘れてしまって、「brian eno africa musician」という検索からスタートしながら、結構苦労したんですが、出典はなんと1995年。日本語訳は存在していないようです。というかHotwired Japanがはじまったのは1997年ですね。
タイムマシーンに乗って、10年前のBrian EnoとKevin Kellyの対話を熟読。13ページもある英文ですが、ぜひ読破することをおすすめします。
Could we call this new style "interactive music?"
In a blinding flash of inspiration, the other day I realized that "interactive" anything is the wrong word. Interactive makes you imagine people sitting with their hands on controls, some kind of gamelike thing. The right word is "unfinished." Think of cultural products, or art works, or the people who use them even, as being unfinished. Permanently unfinished. We come from a cultural heritage that says things have a "nature," and that this nature is fixed and describable. We find more and more that this idea is insupportable - the "nature" of something is not by any means singular, and depends on where and when you find it, and what you want it for. The functional identity of things is a product of our interaction with them. And our own identities are products of our interaction with everything else. Now a lot of cultures far more "primitive" than ours take this entirely for granted - surely it is the whole basis of animism that the universe is a living, changing, changeable place. Does this make clearer why I welcome that African thing? It's not nostalgia or admiration of the exotic - it's saying, Here is a bundle of ideas that we would do well to learn from.
Finishing implies interactive: your job is to complete something for that moment in time. A very clear example of this is hypertext. It's not pleasant to use - because it happens on computer screens - but it is a far-reaching revolution in thinking. The transition from the idea of text as a line to the idea of text as a web is just about as big a change of consciousness as we are capable of. I can imagine the hypertext consciousness spreading to things we take in, not only things we read. I am very keen on this unfinished idea because it co-opts things like screen savers and games and models and even archives, which are basically unfinished pieces of work.
Has computer science influenced you any?
Cybernetician stafford Beer had a great phrase that I lived by for years: Instead of trying to specify the system in full detail, specify it only somewhat. You then ride on the dynamics of the system in the direction you want to go. He was talking about heuristics, as opposed to algorithms. Algorithms are a precise set of instructions, such as take the first on the left, walk 121 yards, take the second on the right, da da da da. A heuristic, on the other hand, is a general and vague set of instructions. What I'm looking for is to make heuristic machines that you can ride on.
そしてもしかしたら、ここにいたるまでに、Gossip is Philosophyを読んでいた人であれば、この文章を読んでいるという現時点でも、一つの文脈としてAfricaがシェアされているからです。
AtauさんやHenryさんによれば、Computer Musicの世界でも同じことはおきつつあって、楽器を演奏する技能の習得だけに時間をかけることなく、それよりも個人が持つ感覚やストーリから強く影響をうける音楽が出てくるかもしれないと。
なぜ多くの人や企業がFreeのオープンソースプロジェクトに貢献しようと考えるのか。なぜAppleはUnix(Free BSD)をうまく利用して、新しい価値の創造にフォーカスすることができているのか?なぜAmazonは何に使われるか分からないWEB Service APIを膨大なコストをかけて開発して、しかも完全にオープンにしようと考えたのか?あるいは逆に、OpenSourceのメリットを受けられず、AppleやGoogleやAmazonのようになれない会社は、何に制約されているのか?
What kind of advice would you give to a musician now starting off, figuring that she or he may come to a peak in 10 years?
Oddly enough, I rarely talk to young musicians, but I talk to many young painters, because I teach in art schools. I ask them: Why do you think that what you do ends at the edges of this canvas? Think of the frame. What frame are you working in? Not just that bit of wood round the edge, but the room you're in, the light you're in, the time and place you're in. How can you redesign it? I would say that to musicians, too. I see them spending a lot of time working on the internal details of what they're doing and far less time working on the ways of positioning it in the world. By "positioning it" I don't only mean thinking of ways of getting it to a record company, but thinking of where it could go, and where it fits in the cultural picture - what else does it relate to?
Brian Eno
